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- Psiko-politik Açıdan Milliyetçilik, Irkçılık ve Linç [Nationalism, racism and lynching from a psycho-political perspective]. At Istanbul Bilgi University (for psychologists & general audience). February 12, 2007. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Psychology of torture survivors. At the Psychiatry Department of Bronx-Lebanon Hospital (for mental health professionals). June 8, 2004. New York.
- Reconciliation through democracy: Continuing challenges for Armenia and Turkey. Symposium co-chair. At Fordham University (for general audience). May 5, 2004. New York.
- Subjective meaning of torture. At Istanbul Bilgi University (for psychologists). April 12, 2004. Istanbul, Turkey.
- What and why can we not face with?: 23rd Anniversary of the Military Coup of September 12 (1980) in Turkey. At Bilgi University (for general audience). September 12, 2003. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Psychotraumatology. At Istanbul Chamber of Turkish Psychological Association (for Mental Health professionals). September 11, 2003. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Relations between Armenians and Turks. At Fordham University. Process group facilitator and discussant. May 18, 2003. New York.
- Prisons and Hunger Strikes in Turkey. At Cornell University (for the University community, as a part of the lecture series, ‘Gender, Race, and Incarceration.’ April 2, 2003. Ithaca, New York.
- Possibilities of Integration in Psychotraumatology, At Bogazici University (for Mental Health professionals), July 25, 2002. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Characteristics of Torture and Torture Survivors, and Clinical Considerations. At Stuyvesant Clinic, Queens (for Mental Health Professionals). April, 2002. New York.
- Psychotraumatology: Theoretical and Clinical Considerations. At the Icgoru Psychological Services (for Mental Health Professionals). August 5, 2001. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Characteristics of Torture and Torture Survivors, and Clinical Considerations. At the St. Lukes Hospital, Department of Psychiatry (for Psychiatry residents). June 7, 2001. New York.
- Characteristics of Torture and Torture Survivors, and Clinical Considerations. At the Elmhurst Hospital, Department of Psychology (for Psychologists). June 4, 2001. New York.
- A Psychospiritual & Educational DIALOGUE Between People of Armenian & Turkish Descent. Panel facilitator and presenter. April 5, 2001. Fordham University, New York.
- Human Rights situation in Turkey. At The Second Annual Event Honoring the Courage and Spirit of Survivors of Torture. June 24, 2000. New York.
- Assessing the needs of torture survivors in Turkey. At the International Trauma Studies Program of New York University. July 20, 2000. New York.